Outdoor Signage

Let's face it, there are a lot of different kinds of outdoor signs to use to promote your business. There are even more different options out there if you choose to make one yourself (DIY). However, for this article, I will highlight some kinds of signs that you can purchase and what they're typically used for.

1. Directional Signage

Directional signage is used to direct people where they need to go; these could be placed at the entrance/exit points, on roadways and directional signage can also be used throughout your parking lots and pathways on site too. These types of signage typically contain arrows with text such as "this way," or "to location x." Some businesses may see this sign as unnecessary; however, this is a great way to ensure people are going the appropriate way and it's also a good sign for visitors not familiar with your site.

2. Identification Signs

Identification signs typically contain a business name, address, website and phone number in order for people who aren't familiar with your business to find you again when they need you or if they wish to visit you in the future. These signs can be small with only one line of text or they could be large with several lines of text. In most commercial districts these would be placed on either side of an entrance/exit point, but again placement will depend on what type of signage is being used and where it's been deemed appropriate by local authorities (councils, cities, etc).

3. Directional and Identification Signs

As mentioned previously, some business owners opt to use a combination of directional and identification signs. Typically this will depend on the size and style of your business as well as space availability and placement restrictions within your site so it's important you consult with local authorities about which signage can be used where for example: If you're building a new office or factory then you're likely going to need more than just one type of sign because these spaces are larger than say an apartment building for instance, so that makes sense right? Â 4. Projecting Signage Projecting signage is typically found in large urban areas; they provide bright information at night-time when people are leaving the office but also when people are on public transportation or in their cars. Projecting signage is typically used to promote upcoming events, sales, discounts and even confirm when the store will be opening/closing for the day.

Image of a lightbox sign pointing up and down

5. Projector Signs

Projector signs are another type of projecting sign that can show videos or play clips with audio in order to draw attention to products or services you may be offering, they're often placed overhead so people indoors can view them too without having to go outside. I've seen some businesses make use of these projector signs during events such as open houses and other special occasions where they need to get their message out there loud and clear - it certainly works!

6. Large Outdoor Signs

Large outdoor signs typically contain a lot of information and are intended to be read from a distance; this example would typically be used for business such as retail shops, office buildings and even some factory yards. These signs can also be used outside of these areas too such as restaurants, malls and other shopping venues that require people to scan menus or view the set-up/services they offer.

7. Billboard Signs

Billboards tend to contain images instead of words because it's more eye-catching and people tend to remember things better if they're able to see it first hand rather than reading about it so billboards really do serve their purpose well - I don't know about you but I'm definitely going to take a second look at an image before walking on by! You will these types of signage along major highways and roads, typically the larger the billboard the further away people will be able to see it.

Image of ACP signs

8. A-Frames and Sandwich Boards

A-Frames and sandwich boards are probably one of the most common types of signage that you'll see as a business owner; they're small, easy to move around and can be used indoors or outdoors. These signs are perfect for promoting events, specials, discounts or even just letting people know where your business is located.

9. Neon Signs

Neon signs are often used in bars, clubs and other entertainment venues; they usually depict the name of the bar or club in bright lights which certainly makes them hard to miss. I remember one time walking down a street in Vegas - no joke - and there was a club every five feet so if you're looking to promote your business using neon signs, then you'll need to be prepared to compete with some pretty major competition.

10. LED Signs

LED signs are becoming more and more popular because they offer a lot of benefits over traditional neon signs; for example, they use less power, can be customized to display just about any text or image you want and last much longer. I've even seen businesses use LED signs as a way of displaying their social media handles which is a really great way to connect with customers.

So there you have it, the different types of outdoor signage that are available for business owners to use. It's important to consult with local authorities before deciding on what type of signage you wish to use, ensure it won't pose a problem for the local community and most importantly - make sure they comply with local advertising laws! If not, then you'll be given fines if caught using signs that aren't permitted so don't let it come down to this; I'm sure your business is important enough to handle these extra few steps.

I hope this article has provided some good information on the different types of outdoor signage that are available.


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